Rabu, 22 Mei 2013

Bleeding Heart

Bleeding Heart atau Bunga Hati ini pertama kali ditemukan tahun 1846 oleh Pak Robert Fotrune, seorang botanis dari Skotlandia, saat beliau berada di Cina.

Selasa, 07 Mei 2013


SPEECH about National Examination
The honorable judges and adjudicators and all my beloved friend good morning,first of all,I would like to thank for Allah who had given us chance and time,so we can antted this nice competition.In this occasion I would like to diliver my speech abour National Examination.In here I state the  National Examination should be abolished.
Do you know National Examination?Everybody know of it,it's one of criteria to measure the successful of education procces for students,teachers,and school.Can the National Examination improve our quality of education?I my self will answer NOT.
I agree if National Examination should be abolished.Right know,National Examination in 2013 was scattered.Many students,teachers and school were disappointed and angry,because many problem that can  make the National Examination be failure.Such as,the  paper for National Examination is very slight,if the paper slight it's can make student difficult  to answer the question,maybe the paper can broken if we want wiped out.And then this pollution make student be stress.For this year the goverment can't prepare well all of the question for the all school.Some school get the question and some school don't get the question.And only that there is the wrong question have given to the school.Example"today the skajle is English but the some question is Math.How could it be?This tragedy has been create(ketidak adilan) it's school for the other school.And then National Examination only take a Cognitive aspect while in education there are three aspects,Cognitive,Affective,physmotor.But in fact,National  Examination just takes one aspect.The other aspect don't examine in National Examination the students are only tested on Indonesian Language,English,Math and Sciene. Time by time the students be stressfuland week.They became sick not physical but also their mental.So,it will be responsible it the student who have studied three years in junior high school or senior high school,get their right to pass the school well.If the National Examination still needed and have to be done.Don't judge is as a reference to pass or the only target of education views.It will make the bad effect to everyone who earn on it.
Ladies and Gentleman.
Is national Examination good for us? No one could,answer right?Why?Because so many secret on it,the fact many dihonestly and corruption happend